My Vision

I want to be that person you ask when you have a question about a restaurant or a bar in the area, whether you live in the area or maybe you live in FW, but don’t come this way very often, and you need someone to help you decide where to eat BBQ in the area. I want my recommendation to be honest and without bias so when I visit a restaurant or bar, I want to remain anonymous, and I will not accept free or discounted meals. Like most folks, there are some foods I don’t care for, but others in my circle are, so I’ll try and cover as many places as I can.

To me, there are three things that make up a great dining experience; food quality, service, and ambience. Everyone wants great food and great service, but I think ambience is really overlooked. A restaurant that has a good "feel" to it can make the difference between just going out to eat and having a great, fun, dining experience and I'll make sure you know about those places.

I’m NOT a food critic and I will try my best and not be critical because restaurants have their bad days and so do servers, managers, and cooks. If my visit is less than stellar, then I’ll try and go back and give it another try. This is such a competitive market, most places that serve bad food or have bad service do not stick around very long anyway. There are also hidden gems in our city and within menus there may be hidden gems as well and I will share those with you. I’ll share my favorites on the menu and will share other’s favorites as well.

There's LOTS more coming to my website in the not too distant future, so I hope you'll check back.

I LOVE Fort Worth, and LOVE going out to eat and experiencing new places and I hope you’ll let me share my experiences with you.